Home > Listing Fees

Listing Fees

January 5th, 2006 at 08:00 am

OK, I think that I have begun a plan for this challenge. I would really like to see what I can make of an initial $20 investment, so for now my main challenge is turning the $20 into something more.

(1) I plan to list and sell items from around the house (that we no longer need or use so they are "free") on eBay, Amazon and our intranet classifieds at work (no listing fees or postage!). The listing fees will come out of the initial $20, and hopefully I will be able to add more money when these items sell. I've listed three items so far with listing fees of $2.35.

(2) I plan to start recycling our aluminum cans. We don't drink a lot of soda, but I suppose that every bit counts! I'm still looking for a place that pays to recycle other products.

Progress so far: 20.00
Listing fess - 2.35
Total 1/5/06 : 17.65

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